

My blog is actually getting fucked by a bot. He's wasting all my sensible
statistics but I think he really loves my stuff. In the meantime he's
"Visitor of the month" and maybe I should give him a name... something
like "Giftmüllscheisse". So, thank you Giftmüllscheisse for reading my posts!

My latest post is a contribution for a sketchbook campaign by the German
Illustrator's Organization. With the character of these silly chain letters we
had when we were young, a sketchbook was sent to every illustrator who
was interested in a contribution. I never passed these awful chain letters on
but I did with the sketchbook. Maybe I'm grown up now or these letters
were really unfunny boring shit...
Well, the theme of this sketchbook was "Home". I received the book with
a delay of nearly 15 weeks one day before my vacation week in the
Netherlands began. So I drew this picture in my "holiday stress" far away
from home in a business hotel nearby the North Sea. The drawing itself is
fast and chubby  with biro and watercolor. This image is only photographed
because the hotel only had a copier from the stone age (see black and white
picture below) with an ultra-horrible scan quality!
For this picture you can listen to the Song "Home" from one of my favorite
British Bands FEEDER. The sketchbook can be seen on the book fair in
Frankfurt/Main this October.

Rock on, Robert



Good Morning!

Whenever I get bored of waiting for my bandmates, I use to draw. I usually
wait for my bandmates, so I usually use to draw. This time I had no paper
and no other chance than beautifying the selfmade release-show-poster of
Wuppertal's local bands MR. THROWASTONE and SOMA. Hope, they
don't kill me, haha! Next rehearsal's today, I'm exited to see what my hands
will bring to the paper - own or foreign, doesn't matter.

Cheers, Robert




Here's a small one. It's a birthday card for a family member done with biro
and watercolor. And no, the person didn't turn three ;)

If you want, you can watch the video from LOST IN THE TREES where
the title's borrowed from.

Cheers, Robert



Good evening!
Past weekend, I met some of my designer friends in Munich where one of them
is actually living. We had couch-pogo with the RAMONES, denied to dance to
the SPICE GIRLS and HANSON in some shitty douchebag-club and had a massive
consume of local beer with David Hasselhoff. This picture's dedicated to all the rain
that ruled this weekend.
The title`s stolen from SIGUR RÓS.

Cheers, Robert